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Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:55 pm
by ispeaktheword

I was waiting on the platform of an outdoor train station. My husband was sitting on a bench not saying anything. I was standing either peeling or eating an orange. The smell was pleasant but very strong. I was afraid an animal like a bear or something would run out and attack me for it because the smell was so strong. I noticed across the tracks on the opposite side of where I was, there were hospital workers going in to a hospital to start their next shift. They had the light blue hospital pants on. Seemed like they parked their cars below the train platform, walked up some stairs and went into the hospital. Seemed like it was dawn but still a bit dark out. EOD


Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 3:55 am
by male4christ
Great Dream!

This is a transitional period in your life so take time to get quiet, reflect in prayer and meditate on the Word. You are changing tracks to connect to new opportunities to advance in Gods direction with Holy Spirit gifts and a powerful anointing for healing and revelation!

Keep it in prayer!

Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:44 pm
by ispeaktheword
Hi Male4christ,

Thank you for responding to my dream. Yes, I believe I'm in transition. I feel I'm close to the end of a very long and difficult trial. God has been faithful but I'm soo ready to come out of this and be used for His glory. Thank you again.


Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:44 pm
by PastorJKG
I see in this dream speaking of a season of heightened discernment, potential for spiritual warfare, transition, and healing. Perhaps a transition into discernment that facilitates healing and the very present reality that the enemy will try to stop it from progressing. The operation of our gifts in ministry draw the anger and retaliation of the enemy.

Hope this helps

Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:12 pm
by ispeaktheword
Hi PastorJKG,

Thank you for responding to my dream. I appreciate hearing a slightly different take on this dream. I will definitely be prayerful and watchful during this time of transition.


Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:46 am
by rarara
OK so the mention of the Orange smell to me took me right back to a ride in Disneyland California. 2003. It was a type of flight simulator called California Dreaming and during the "flight" there was this exquisite smell of orange blossom. I know that is not the same as the smell of the fruit. But California and orange groves? Is that thought of any significance to you?

Not a big deal if not.

Bless you,


Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:10 pm
by ispeaktheword
Hi Rarara,

Thank you for responding to my dream. No,the California orange groves are not ringing a bell for me :) but I appreciate your input. As I've mentioned earlier, I have been going through a pretty long trial. the whole time, the Lord has been speaking to me through my dreams about enduring and perseverance. In one dream, I was walking down a narrow orange ramp which I knew represented perseverance. Wondering if the tangible orange that I could feel, and smell so strongly represented a fruit of the spirit (longsuffering / perseverance) that I obtained.


Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:05 am
by rarara
Thanks for replying. I really appreciate that. :) Would you mind if I added another thought? Truly in all Scripture smells are to do with our senses and orange is indeed a smell associated with our pleasure. So yes you may be going through a trial but He, the Lord Jesus, still wants you to know that He loves you. And wants you to know that He is VERY much around. And in all that is happening. He is SO pleased with you. So, if you can catch this, he wants you to enjoy Him in the Trial. He is the Fruit.

Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:51 pm
by ispeaktheword
Thank you for the encouragement Rarara. Blessings!


Re: Strong Orange Smell

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 3:48 pm
by ispeaktheword
Hi PastorJKG,

I just wanted to let you know that your interp was spot on.
