Square Peg Round Hole

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Square Peg Round Hole

Post by bjcollin »

Elie's dream 6/4/2023

My wife Elie relayed the following dream to me this morning...

The dream started off in a large gathering of some kind like a theater where there was a play or play practice going on. Everybody in the play was dressed in victorian era dresses and costumes, except for my wife who says she was dressed in baggy blue jeans and a floral blouse top. My wife told another lady that she felt that she knew, that she felt really uncomfortable in how she was dressed compared to everybody else in the play. The lady told her that it was ok and that it was designed to be that way. My wife then said that she felt like she was a square peg trying to fit into a round hole and that she just did not fit in. My wife then told the lady that she wanted to commit suicide because of it, which caught the lady's attention. The dream then shifted...

The lady was driving with my wife in a car, and they were going down a back road in a very rural area. All of a sudden the lady slowed the car down almost to a halt, and the lady said we have to be very careful to slow down in this area because of the cats. My wife saw an old farmhouse, and she thought that there were some people living there, but it was abandoned. There was a large herd of grey cats coming out of the house and they were crossing the road right in front of their car. The lady then said it was time for school to start and she heard an alarm bell. It ended up that she was hearing my phone alarm to get up out of bed this morning in her dream, and the alarm ended the dream and she woke up from the dream.
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by keilani »

Just some thoughts bj. Themes that stood out: old vs the new (old clothes vs Elie's modern clothes) and not fitting in (not meant to). **Edited to add: out w/the old, in w the new and behold, I do a new thing came to mind when reading this portion of the dream.

Commiting suicide--willfully putting an end to something.

The last part of the dream, idk if it's just my sense but I felt like it was a warning to stay on guard and be watchful. The thought of witches in training came to mind with the herd of cats. And if school is beginning, my thoughts are He is going to begin to train her how to exercise authority over the enemy.

I will share this dream snippet I had years ago since it came to mind as I was responding here. I was standing with 2 family members in the middle of this high rock. One member would warn us to hang on because these tidal waves would come and I knew its goal was to push us out of the rock. Kinda comical now that I think of how we were hanging on.

I suddenly had an overview of the situation, saw Satan standing on the shore watching pleased as 3 females were in the water casting a spell, causing the waves to come.

Then I was back in the rock and Jesus appeared, towering over the rock we were in. My first thought was "Yes, Jesus is here. He'll save us!"

He looked at me very displeased, shook his head aggressively and said, "No, no, NO!"

Then I was lifted up and plopped into the front line of a practice room (looked like the dance rooms I practiced in during my 20s). A screen came up and I saw Star Wars.

It was my understanding at the time that He didn't want us to wait for Him to save us but that He wants His Own to learn to walk in and exercise the same authority He had while on Earth. He has continued to lead us on that journey-it has been exciting, fearful at times, but we've always come out on top. And the things He's taught us have been invaluable.

Praying for you all always!
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by bjcollin »


Thank you for the prayers! We have been super busy ministering at a tent revival this past week... and it is very draining due to the Texas 100 degree heat and the schedule hours we're keeping lately. We have one more week to go this week, so please continue to intercede for strength and for anointing to flow, for people to be saved, healed, and delivered.

Friday evening Elie and I got a word from a visiting apostle from Houston about the reason we never had a daughter even though we had tried for years and years. There was an issue in her past that the enemy robbed her of, and the Lord is seeking to restore a spiritual daughter unto us within the next 2 years.

Last night was powerful, Elie got to minister deliverance and healing to a young lady who had a spirit of suicide on her. Definitely something is shifting for us in the ministry as a result of these tent revival meetings. We have not been a part of these apostolic types of meetings before, so this is new for us, although ministering healing and deliverance is not new for us if that makes sense. We had just been trained under a different type of anointing style.

in Christ,
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by keilani »

That is exciting bj and yes, I understand what you mean! Definitely continuing in prayer for His New and the fullness of His Kingdom to manifest in your lives. May He give you the desires of your hearts and supply you with abundant grace as you both run your race 💜.
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by bjcollin »


Awesome dream you had! I agree with your intrepretation... Many people in the church today take the approach of hiding in the face of the attacks of the enemy and they only pray for a hedge of protection, or they feel that if they just stay hidden and in-active and out of the way then the enemy will leave them alone and simply bypass them. Not so, John 10:10 says the enemy's purpose is to steal kill and destroy and he continues very effectively in that purpose against us and he is relentless. Jesus has put His authority in us to attack the enemy and stop his plans here on the earth. It is us who need to put on the spiritual armor and pick up the sword of the Spirit and to deal blows to the enemy. It is our job to learn spiritual warfare.

in Christ,
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by keilani »

Amen to that bj!!!
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by JayD »

This reminded remind me of a dream i had with people in hoodies, they were walking by themselves one way and it all felt eerie to me. I started to walk the opposite way trying to get out of that place and when i did find my way out this witch in black and in a veil with other people following her approached me and was trying to offer me flowers. Yucky feeling.

So i know God can accent details to me and i was stumped on why her face looked as it did. It was very detailed, for lack of a better word.

So like several months later i discover Fantasy island on a streaming channel and hadn't seen the show since i was a kid. Love that series and began to watch it again. As i said, hadn't seen as a kid, but remembered it came after love boat and was good.

Anyway, one of the episodes has that witch in it. Same face, believe she had a veil too and she keeps trying to offer a lady a flower. Same witch.

There were scenes too of people in victorian clothes.

The episode was on generational curses. There was a husband and wife and the hubby was like getting possessed and was being influenced by a murderous spirit, which was in his history i believe. So the witch kept trying to offer his wife the flower, like an accept your death, but she doesn't and at the end she is hugging her hubs who has an ax and she is tearfully professing her love for him and the curse is broken over his life.

You and your wife should watch it, asking God if anything there for you.

In my dream i felt the hoodie people were those that had isolated themselves, also feeling like they may not fit in, and in danger of committing suicide.

I believe that is one of the tricks of the enemy, to isolate and make us feel we are alone and don't fit in and try and get us to believe we are better off dead

The generational curse i believe is tied with the curse of the law that has been around for generations, as in galatians 3.

Fantasy Island: season 5, episode 21. Not sure that is it, but that is what Tubi website telling me.

If not, it is entitled, "The curse of the Moreaus".
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by JayD »

Well, didn't think I'd have much of an interp, and maybe still don't, but feel i may have some things to offer now for prayerful consideration.

The play, or play practice reminds me of how we can put up a front. Maybe this is a lesson in modifying behavior if she is to be part of it ( was unclear on that). The victorian attire may speak of way of old, as Keilani mention, yet I'm also wondering if there may have been a similar spirit in operation during that victorian era that has been carried on through the generations. I think in the fantasy island episode they may have used it as a symbol of the curse being generational. Maybe it represents something like that here too, but also sensing. "way of old" is also significant.

Sometimes God will reveal things to me via particular eras, whether that be in a book in the bible or the genocide in Rwanda as the spiritual atmosphere may be influencing modern times. So i may not see it carried out physically, but i sense the spiritual / inner atmosphere is similar and is being carried out in the spiritual.

The fact that she feels like she doesn't fit in may be something good, especially if the acting part is on target, but it does make her self- conscious.

It designed to be that way may again speak of the way of old. The law / way of old is designed to put the focus on ourselves. It shows us ourselves apart from Christ. As long as we keep looking to the way of old we won't get beyond ourselves.

The law is designed that way, to point to us and our failures ...you can't get beyond you by way of old. The way of old can modify behavior though, for fear of the law. It's like s cop, can't change you, but it can show you yourself apart from Christ and can arrest you in your sin. Stuff I'm confident you know, but as it may pertain to the dream.

Don't think I'm saying much different than Keilani there, maybe just getting into further details that may not be seen exactly the same.

When we are around people that may be acting we can feel inferior and feel like we don't measure up, which can lead to depression and thoughts of suicide.

Have to go, but think i have more to say. Just have some things to do now
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by JayD »

That's all i have afterall. Maybe someone else will have more.
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Re: Square Peg Round Hole

Post by JayD »

Remembered what i wanted to add. Just things to consider with Him.

That environment itself can create an atmosphere of disconnectedness that can lead to negative feelings.

Thing is, you also need to know where you can open up. It has to be a safe environment or someone you feel safe with, otherwise if you are not firmly grounded in the Lord, it can cause other problems.

It is often in our humanity that we connect with others. Even Jesus became our perfect advocate and High Priest because of the things He suffered in his humanity. It may be that the abandoned farmhouse in the rural area may speak of that being abandoned, possibly due to being overrun by these grey cats ...

or taken over by the grey cats after abandonment.

We do have to unite in the Lord, but it is often in our humanity that we find that we are no better than our fellowman and need to rely on the Lord's grace and love to see us through.

Just some things you can ponder in prayer with Him.

I tell you though, school on this sounds great.

I can fairly regularly see witches in my dreams and i get it in a sense because irl i can sense when someone may be innocently, and sonetimes not so innocently, casting a spell. I think it is more common than some of us realize, but I'll admit I don't often give them too much attention (although in my dreams I'm often after them or rebuking them) because i feel that if they can affect us, it is because we still have to grow in areas so the spell don't stick.

I've had what i consider a spell on me just by someone's looking down on me and disdain. Like this aura they put in air that, if we are not well grounded in areas, can stick.

At least the last one i had only lasted a day and a half. Not even sure it stuck, but there was a battle. A few years ago i had one last nearly two years and suicide was on my mind. God saw me through and learned much through it